

2022-12-03 01:29:00初中作文786

本文有太谷教育网小编为大家带来 优势的英文篇(1):中考英语作文范文:快递的优势

As the development of computer, people count on computer so much, now most businesses are done online, trading online saves people a lot of time and it is very convenient. As more and more people choose to shop online, there comes the relative services, the most important one is express deliver. Many years ago, express deliver is not that popular, now it becomes the main tool for people to receive online products. Express deliver is very fast, the companies make the promise that the customers can get their products in three days. Many years ago, people can get their things in a week, now express deliver shorten the time. What’s more, the express deliver can deliver the products to the customers’ homes, people don’t have to go out, how convenient it is. I like to use express deliver, it facilitates my life and saves me a lot of time。 随着电脑的发展,人们很依赖电脑,现在大部分的生意都在网上成交,网上交易节省了人们很多时间,也很方便。随着越来越多的人选择网上购物,相应的服务应运而生,其中最重要的就是快递。很多年以前,快递并不是那么的受欢迎,现在它成为了人们接收网上产品的主要交通工具。快递很快速,公司承诺顾客可以在三天内收到他们的产品。很多年以前,人们能在一周内收到他们的产品,现在快递缩短了时间。而且,快递能把产品送到客人的家里,人们不用走出去,这是多么方便啊。我喜欢使用快递,它方便了我的生活,节省了时间。

优势的英文篇(2):A major advantage of a long holiday_长假的一大好处英语议论文200字

A major advantage of a long holiday_长假的一大好处英语议论文200字 Most of us are happy to have long holidays, such as Labor Day, National Day and Spring Festival. However, quite a few people think it is not beneficial for us to have too many holidays, because many people can"t pay attention to their work after a long holiday. On the contrary, I think it is necessary for us to have a long holiday. The advantages of a long holiday are obvious. First of all, many people must feel tired because they work for a long time, so that they need to make themselves relaxed. Besides, parents can travel with their children if they have a long holiday. Not only parents can take a rest but also children can have fun. Last but not least, the most important thing is that people can visit their relatives or friends during a long holiday. As far as I am concerned, it is important for us to have a long holiday. On the one hand, people have enough time to relax themselves. On the other hand, they can have a big meal with their families.


很多时候,我们缺少一种清醒的自我认识也许你的羽翼足够丰满,也许你的意志足够坚强,但强大并不意味着战无不败,一种貌似强势的背后会隐藏着更大的危险 就像一条鲸鱼很容易落到沙丁鱼的圈套中一样,缺少冷静的思考会让强势缚住自己的手脚因为强大,可以藐视弱小,可以不屑以智取胜骄兵必败,亦是这个道理三国的刘备扎营六十里,以滔天排空之势怒对东吴,但他没有观察形势,认清利害,为一时悲痛所误,酿得火烧连营,托孤白帝的悲剧当历史的卷轴再次打开时,我们看到的不仅是一场失意的战争,更是惨重代价之后,国衰难兴的悲剧有时,拥有强势更需要谨慎,一时大意便可满盘皆输 强者的失败有时亦是一种功利之心在作怪面对弱者,如果不能干脆利落的搞定,便会使人产生一种急躁心理强者,最大的诱念即在于得到世人认可每一个人都想竭力地证明自己,因为强大可以让人得到所谓的尊重与优越感这种功利心越强的人越容易走上歧途这些人甚至是脆弱的,他们害怕失败,因此不甘心放弃纵然身处险境,也会选择声嘶力竭的做一支末势之强弩强势,意味着一旦失败,便是全盘崩溃,强者所谓的尊严会让他不堪东山再起,也不会想到为自己留下后路纵观历史,霸王项羽的兵败垓下不就是最好的例子吗? 手握强势,更意味着发展进步的艰难强者一旦被认可,便失去了为强的动力既然已经做到最好,为何还要前进?殊不知身后多少曾经的弱者正在觊觎第一的宝座历史上多少盛世强朝不是在歌舞升平中沦陷的么?商纣、夫差、秦始皇,一个个枭雄最终只能把江山拱手送人历史就是如此残酷,纵你有经天纬地之才,倾野之势,不思进取,最终只会被淘汰 强势实际上考验了承载者的运用能力它有时更像一个包袱,会成为一个智者的百宝囊,也会压垮一个勇夫,一个懦夫强大的力量需要拥有一颗更为强大的心!


上一篇:心路历程和心历路程(心路历程如何写) 下一篇:小学期中考试在什么时间(小学期中考试时间安排)